Monday, September 20, 2010


After 2 weeks of break,its time for studio...The studio starts when 1b showed us a video titled 'THE PROPHECY'.It is about an issue that is debated by the whole world right now which is 21st DECEMBER 2012.Is it the end of the world...?? Well,there's many theories regarding this.Some say that it is the end of the world,some say that the earth will heal itself.According to 'THE PROPHECY' the earth will be in a line with the dark rift and some kind of vibrations will be transmitted to our earth.A new type of human is born..err,I states that we have to unite in order to clean the earth...Then DR MASTURA JAAFAR lectured us about group work.

Then its Dr Ilias's turn.He said that we should not 4get of our main purpose of coming here,respect others n other stuff.Then theres a 3-part assignment.

PART 1-Looking Back...Mid Term Review..
PART 2-Looking Forward...Your Contributions Towards 2012
PART 3-Monument Design....What Can You Leave?

soooooo.....wish me luck yeah!!!!!

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