Thursday, September 23, 2010


well...looking back what I've done in HBP aka our next assignment..I still remember that this BLOG is our 1st assignment which is my virtual home.Then theres the survival kit thingy which requires us to write about the assigned invention of previous USM researchers.Mine was 'e-faraid'.

Then,theres the dots&lines assigned by Ar Najib.Well it is a good try 4 me though...

Then theres the natural structure of a bamboo.We gathered around the rumpun buluh site and made our way up.There I remembered Mr WanB fell when chased by a cow.He was lucky that he survived...Then we find our own bamboo cluster and start sketching the bamboo...

Then theres the ORIENTATION WEEK =.=' no comments!


Next is the mask! wow this is fun man...

The convo sketch!

I also designed a casket4 me...check it ouuttt....

we also did some acting......

this is the lips!

then theres the merdeka countdown at times square! this is the BEST!

the latest one ie designing my own survival kit...

so far this is what I've been doing in is a great experience which i'll never 4get..I've learned that in order to be successful,we need to be patient and hardworking! till next time...ciao!!!!

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